Credit and Debit Cards
Learn more about the historical evolution of this industry, with information segmented into credit and debit cards, from retail chains as well as major trends for the next three years and the market niches that have greater growth potential. Know some of the strategies adopted by companies in the field and macroeconomic factors that have influenced their results.
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Data da elaboração do estudo: July/2010
Preço do estudo: R$ 1.100,00 (impresso + .pdf) ou R$ 1.000,00 (.pdf)
Número de páginas: 112
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Data da elaboração do estudo: September/2009
Preço do estudo: R$ 1.100,00 (impresso + .pdf) ou R$ 1.000,00 (.pdf)
Número de páginas: 106
Composição da Análise
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