Electronics Industry
The analysis of the electronics industry comprises the industries of the white line (refrigerators, freezers and stoves), the brown line (image and sound), appliances and telecommunications equipment. The report discusses the main characteristics of each industry, the factors and weaknesses, threats and opportunities and the evolution of their performance, further to the expectations for them over the next three years.
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Utilidades Domésticas
Data da elaboração do estudo: November/2010
Preço do estudo: R$ 1.100,00 (impresso + .pdf) ou R$ 1.000,00 (.pdf)
Número de páginas: 41
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Data da elaboração do estudo: June/2008
Preço do estudo: R$ 1.100,00 (impresso + .pdf) ou R$ 1.000,00 (.pdf)
Número de páginas: 90
Composição da Análise
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